Tuesday, June 23, 2009

who let the dogs out?

I did, of course. They wanted to go bite the tree cutter's ass. Yeah, right. I imagine dude took advantage of a partly cloudy evening with a breeze to make some progress with that giant felled pecan tree. If I know my brother, he won't give up on that corner of plantable ground.

In political news....Obama made a big splash with his stamp of approval on the bill that funds nicotine addiction education for teenagers. Really, that's what it's about, you know. Most smokers, including myself and the big O, started when we weren't old enough to know better. Everybody did it and it was all good because the states of Kentucky and North Carolina made a killing off of the backs of dirt farmers. So did the cigarette and movie industries. God bless Mary Tyler Moore and Andy Griffith for never lighting up onscreen.

The sawmill is pretty much the same...ya'll know the drill so I won't bore you with the details of everybody's drama. Lord knows, I've got enough of my own without tending to everybody else's business. I'm just thinking that if I give about two more percent to wallstreet, I might get a gold watch when sugardaddy shows up.

Ya'll stay cool if you can. Looks like another cold shower for this old gal. The hummers have found that crazy feeder on the back porch again so I'm going to keep the faith for one more day. And pray. And be specific.


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