Tuesday, March 24, 2020

aaaaand more rain

It's coming one helluva monsoon right now complete with thunder and lightning.  Ellie just decided it was time to come in and get dry.  Oscar was already in because he just likes it here.  
Ellie chased me down the lane when I left for the 'gentral but I outran her.  I swear she can run 25 mph.  

So here's my rant for today and it is so not political it ain't funny.  Blood centers struggle all year long during holiday seasons and the summer when people are "otherwise" occupied with things.  It takes about an hour to give a unit of blood.  During this pandemic things are considerably worse for the shelves of blood banks.  People are advised not to get out or get too close.  It is extremely important to bend the rules a bit and give some blood.  All you have to do is drive to the mobile location.  I guarantee you they will keep you at a safe distance from other donors and check your temp and a whole lot of other things before they take your donation.  

I remember after 9/11 way too many people packed into donation stations to try to "help".  Most of it wasn't used because there were no survivors to treat.  Where are all these crisis heroes day to day and week to week?  Try as they have, scientists have never been able to replicate the oxygen carrying capacity of human blood.  There are certain conditions that are a permanent deferral like cancer.  HIV and Hep C were rolled out during the early years of my career.  There is a system in place in all hospitals called Lookback where if a donor who previously tested negative for something or forgot a detail like a tatoo the hospital who received that unit is notified and it is left up to the medical director whether or not to notify the recipient.  It is all documented by letters and closely monitored.  If the pathologist says follow up, first the transfusing physician is notified.  It is up to that provider to contact the patient.  This is one of the many clerical functions that are required to keep blood transfusion safe.  I know, that was TMI!  Hey.  I'm bored like everybody else. COVID-19 is not transmitted by blood but by droplets. Keep that in mind.

Anywho....I'm anxiously awaiting my next dose of Dr. Fauci and all those who fail to recognize his brilliance.  And I swear if Andrew Cuomo ever runs for President, he's my guy.  I'll buy a hoodie for him like I did for Bernie.  Cuomo is now in charge of the epicenter of this crisis and can't get what he needs from the feds to take care of patients.  That makes me really sad.

Take care and remember, you can still hug if the person promises not to sneeze on you ^j^

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