Thursday, January 16, 2014

badass pope

I'm sitting here thinking and giggling about all those choir boy loving pervy cardinals getting fired from the bank of Catholicism or whatever you call it. Dude cleaned house very early into what would have been a very long term for that crew. I wish it were that simple here in the US to clean up all the filthy money laundering that banks and industries do. If a pope can do it why not a president? Oh, yeah there's that congress packed full of tea party bigoted old men and harpies who think they can run the world. Considering how people are truly suffering from the "great" recession that hasn't ended and how the upper crust live while people are dying in this country for lack of medical care or proper food I'd say it's time for a flood of Noah proportions. I don't begrudge anyone their fortune if they will just use some of it to help the least of these. It's what Jesus would do, even without a bracelet that says it.

Here's a thought. My experience has been that with things like fundraising for causes and whatnot transparency brings loyalty from donors. I've worked enough cancer diagnosis benefit BBQs to learn a whole lot about people who give of themselves for a good cause. One of the young ladies that I work with was a recipient of those funds one year after being born with a lot of health issues. This girl gives me a hug and an "i love you" every single time we meet. Her mama and uncle are old friends of mine from wayyyyy back in the day. A lot of the money raised from those benefits went to giving people plaques of appreciation for their time and effort. While I was going through history in the basement I found the one with her name on it.

All us old timers at the sawmill took a moment to remember Marshall Nash who passed today. He and Diane and RoRo were all family and we did our jobs as best we could with what we had. Great healthcare delivery requires a certain ability to nurture yet set limits because of the constant stress. Being with peeps who are suffering and sick is not something you do for the money. It's a calling and one that too many people get burned by when entering the wall street rat race that is today's market. I'm considering a run for governor since everybody is scared of Haslam's shadow but my 80 year old mother reminded me that it takes money to get elected and he's already a millionaire. As SKB would say "Okay, then." Bless all our hearts.


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