Sunday, January 1, 2012

and then there were three

Alas! The doughnut shop was closed for the holiday so here we all go to Perkins for eggs and whatnot. Johnnie and Janice were there, other than that it was an entirely new lookin' crew. Our waitress, bless her heart, didn't realize that Mr. Billy needs extra napkins and the damn check with his food. His entire face was covered in blueberries and powdered sugar. The conversation ran from misplaced items at home to how sad southtown looks. Every single time we drive through that once thriving neighborhood, I wonder at how two years of flooding cleared it out commercially.

Faith was missing this morning and BG just happened to see a text from her BF that he scooped her up at 3:30 in the morning while we were snoozing soundly. So much for homeland security! Of course he does have a key. Anywho, her brothers are enjoying their nappy play times while she's out with her daddy playing his games. I am well into day four of vacation at home and loving every minute of it. It shows in the way the floors are not all yucky anymore.

STILL people are picking up pecans. We found James in mom and daddy's yard with his butt in the air and his eye on the papershells. The season usually goes through January at least. Maybe by next fall I'll have the energy to make my fortune and run off all the poachers. Or, maybe not. I am all about the experience of seeing who shows up and what their story is. Mr. Barch has been very sick and didn't participate this year....first time in forever. My friend and I found him passed out in the field last year and the ambulance crew couldn't talk him into going in. Dude jumped in his bigass truck and did a U-turn in my front yard headed to the house. The paramedics followed him to the highway!

During breakfast when I expressed to my mama just how exasperating it can be to keep up with her meds and the little details for the bridge club, she reminded me that it was payback for when she raised me plus two bratty little brothers all the while working fulltime and being the poster girl for farmer's wife. I find myself migrating toward the talents and interests that she had like writing and leaving behind the dream that healthcare can ever be anything but money driven. I gave it my best shot for 35 years but the body is tired and the spirit is weak.

Faith. It really does matter ^j^

1 comment:

  1. So, we can expect that book this Spring then? ;)
    God bless and Happy New Year Janie.
