Thursday, December 23, 2010

oh holy night!

What day is it anyways?  Oh, yeah.  Christmas eve-eve.  I've got tomorrow off and work on "the day" so today is my eve.  We are breaking tradition this year and going OUT to eat which suits me just fine because I usually cook most of it and that's not a holiday when you work funny shifts.  Things were fairly slow, thank goodness....only the really really ill are left in those beds on a holiday.  One of my old friends from school and church is there and I was going down the hall to find her when I came up on a code and one very distraught family member.  I watched as one employee found her a chair, and we passed her coat over the tangle of caregivers surrounding the bed so that she could get to her cell phone to call home.  She was in good hands with a nurse dialing the number for her as I slipped into the elevator.

I found my friend, wan and fragile, sleeping quietly.  Not wanting to get her out of breath or tired,  I settled for a hug and a kiss while she admired the santas on my scrub top.  Her husband hovered close by and I could see it was time for me to go.  Wandering back downstairs, I grabbed my coat and headed to buy the only gift that I will purchase this year.  We started collecting Willow Tree angels years ago.  In many ways, they've been like the fruit of the spirit bracelets that I wrote about earlier because they're a great thing to "regift".  Of all the ones I've purchased over the years, I probably have no more than 5 because I feel that they are to be shared with others in true angel fashion.  Not long after I started blogging one of my buddies from up north actually made me a wooden puzzle out of the word, complete with colored pieces and a signature on back.  Those are the once in a lifetime treasures that beg a story to be told.  Back in those days, blogs and chatrooms were the only "social utilities"  Instant messaging if you were really bored or a teenager.

Yes, I know.  I'm rambling.  Because it's my b**g and I can ^j^

1 comment:

  1. I'm looking at one of those Willow Tree angels that showed up in my mailbox almost five years ago when Cheri and I got hitched. It means the world to me, and has an honored place in our living room.
    God bless Janie - to you and yours.
