Being the female that I am, I figured it was time for a change from the old poops to the new so here we are on Pecan Lane...only that's where we were all along :) There won't be any political ranting or whining about the lack of sugardaddy prospects over here. It's all about the farm and how we live our days out in our little community. There will be pictures...LOTSO pictures. And some history too. Ya'll get ready for the test at the end. Since the other blog ran almost five years, I'd say you don't have to study just yet.
That shadow to the right is the tip end of a string of old sheds that have seen better days. Next week ( AFTER I get the tiller and mower out ) a dozier will be coming to bury them, along with some dead pine trees ( see the great thanksgiving asparagus burn for the cause ) and old fencing. It is snowing lightly with several inches forecast for this evening. Only in Tennessee can you see such drastic extremes of weather in a few hours.